Saturday 6 February 2021

Save your Symbols in a common folder using Package Cache Path

When you typically try to create a new AL Project, unless you already have done the changes mentioned in this post, you would need to download symbols for the base application for your AL Project. Doing this would then create a new symbol files attached to your project

And this can also be seen in your folder for AL Project

If there are many such sub projects you have created for say a larger project, you might not want to create and save these symbol files in each sub project folder. More so when they all need to refer to the same symbols collection.

One way of doing this is via a User setting. Open your VS Code and navigate to user settings.

GO TO Extensions -> AL Language Extensions and scroll down to the property Package Cache Path. This is where you need to set the path where symbols should be downloaded to and referred from every AL project you create.

The project was compiled successfully.

Remember this is a user setting and so is only specific only to your user. When deploying extensions, this needs to be taken care of. This can be done adding this folder to your project. Select File -> Add folder to your workspace. Select the symbols folder you created.

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